Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gandhi's 10 Best Ways To Change The World For The Better

Mahatma Gandhi is a renowned figure in world history.

His dedication to the principles of peacefulness is legendary and he was able to accomplish many great things in his life. He is the man who led his Indian people to gain their independence from British rule in 1947, and the philosophy of the man lives on in the hearts of many to this day. Gandhi’s ideas were simple and came from a positive place in his heart, mind and soul. Below we list the ten best ideas or pieces of advice we can glean from Gandhi to change our world for the better.

1. Learn to forgive your friends as well as your enemies.

This is a principle you can find in many religions, and the intent and concept behind it come from love and a desire to abstain from violence and negative thoughts. When you are wronged or hurt by another the natural response may be to lash out or seek revenge. So many times we hear of jilted lovers doing terrible things in the heat of passion or friendships ending due to misunderstandings.
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.”
It does take a certain strength to forgive someone who has wronged you. Realize that revenge will not erase the wrong that was done, it will only create more hurt. Do not let yourself become a part of a vicious cycle of revenge. Listen to these famous words from Gandhi himself:
“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
Revenge is a cyclical thing. Once you carry out your vengeance, you will bring more negativity and wrong down upon your head. If you can search within and find the strength to forgive your friends and foes alike, then that is far more admirable and better for the world.

2. Realize that no one is perfect.

Perfection is an ideal that no man can realistically attain. We are all flawed beings despite our best intentions. It takes a humble sprit to continue to become better and better. The way to achieve this is through admitting your mistakes and learning from them as best you can.
“I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.”
With a spirit of humility you can see where you went wrong. You can’t let pride blind you in this regard. To do so would be to never truly evolve. The same mistakes would continually pop up in your life because you never properly learn your lesson.

3. To thine own self be true.

Yes, that line was from the famous Shakespeare play Hamlet. The words of Gandhi speak to us and say that we would do well to align our thoughts, actions and words. In doing so we stay true to ourselves.
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.”
If more people were truly happy it would make the world a better place. Negativity in the world often comes from a bitter spirit, jealousy and hate. Happiness embodies all of the great things about the world such as love, prosperity and justice. When you are not afraid to do what you are thinking and the words coming out of your mouth ring true you are living your life as you see fit. To be true to yourself is a great thing. Follow your heart and let all facets of your being be guided by it.

4. Understand you are in control of your own life.

Sometimes people blame others for their misfortune. They try to find a convenient scapegoat so that they don’t have to feel bad about their failures. This isn’t a healthy way to think of things though and it leads to a bad place. It must be understood that each human is in control of his or her life. Certainly other people can influence you in many ways. Even if others lead you down a bad path the choice was yours to follow that individual.
“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
Gandhi understood that ultimately each person is responsible for their choices and actions in life. Be mindful of this when living your life and it will help you to want to make the best decisions possible. If you follow the crowd and do not like where you end up, you were still in control of what you were doing. Forge your own path in life, and have a smile on your face when you reach your destination.

5. You must change yourself to change the world.

The world is not always exactly how we want it to be. Sitting at home and hoping things will get better one day will do little or nothing towards making that a reality. In order to change the world people need to change themselves. The healing starts at home so to speak.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
If the world were to change and you were to do nothing to change yourself, you would still be a part of the problem. We must seek to continually change our world by making it a little bit better as time flows forward. By inspiring change in your person you can inspire those around you. Simple things such as treating others with kindness, being slow to anger and accepting others for who they are regardless of personal prejudices are great ways to start.

6. Ideas need action to give them meaning.

Ideas are an incredible thing. Concepts such as democracy, freedom and justice look great on paper or in an individual’s head. What if those ideas had never come to fruition though? Without action the ideas are just pretty thoughts floating in the air. Action is what can bring an idea to life and help change our surroundings for the better.
“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.”
Letting your ideas be known is positive in its’ own way, but showing people how they work through individual action is the way to go. Dialogue is a part of the process of initiating changes, but ideas must be put into practice. Get out there and start that neighborhood watch to try to deter the heightening crime rate in your neighbourhood. Put your ideas and words to good use.

7. Understand that we live in the present.

The past and future are great concerns for many. People look to the past longingly for times that they cherished. They worry about the future for the sake of their children, wondering what type of world we are leaving to them. In order to honor the memory of the past and ensure the future is a great one to leave to our children, we must live in the present.
“I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.”
The present moment in time is the one we have control over. We can change the way things are now by living our lives as best we can. We can mold the future through our actions now, but if we do nothing but think about times past and times to come the moment will pass us by. There is no going back to a moment in time. Let your mind live in the here and now.

8. Possess the spirit to endure.

Things in life that are worth achieving often do not come in the blink of an eye. Having a spirit that is willing to endure tough times and continue to strive forward is an important quality in achieving great things in this world. One cannot give up due to not getting the result they want the first time out of the gate.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Being an individual who will persist in the pursuit of your ideals or goals can win you the day. Those who oppose your progress will fall by the wayside while you remain unwavering. It is the person with the most resolve who gets their desire.

9. See the good in your fellow man.

No person is without their faults. Understanding that all human beings are prone to being imperfect, we must see the good in our fellow man. By helping one another and promoting good will the whole world’s situation can improve.
“I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe into the faults of others.”
By understanding that we all have things we wish to improve on, we can help each other live fuller lives. Humanity never would have come as far as it has if not for men working together to build civilisation to this point. Our continued partnerships and relationships will propel us forward for years to com. It is important to get along with each other and to be accepting. When you are with a person understand the goodness within them. Don’t judge them for what they aren’t, form a bond with what they are.

10. Continually evolve and grow.

“Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.”
If you are a man who is unwilling to adapt you will not last in the world. Certainly elasticity is a great quality to possess. Rigidity of belief and expectations can be a person’s undoing. Continually be willing to learn new things and change accordingly.

We possess the ability to learn, increase our skills and come to a better understanding of so many different things. It is important not to be stagnant in life, because only by continuing to improve one's self can one keep up with the changing world around us.

Are you constantly and improving yourself each day?

Are you making the right efforts to create the life you deserve?

Sources: Secrets of the Most Intelligent Minds Revealed!

Joel Chue & Chris Cairns

Sunday, May 27, 2012

''There's No Point In Living If You Can't Feel Alive''

What's needed more than anything today is for us to operate from our hearts.

Not just for ourselves, but for our children and the others who are impacted by the way we live our lives.

My friend Christian Pankhurst, has been quoted to say,

"There's no point in living if you can't feel alive"

He's got a point.

How much of your life are you not letting in, and how much of your talents and resources are you holding back?
What if the world in which you perceive is just 2% of what's actually there? I mean... what if you are only letting in 2% of the color, 2% of the sound, 2% of the love, 2% of the beauty?

And... what if you had no idea it was only 2%? Wouldn't
you want to know how to access the other 98%?
Now you can. Check this video out now to find out more.

Christian learned this the hard way after awakening from
a numbing depression that lasted for 10 years. He's
dedicated his life since to helping others come into their heart
and realize the vision of heart centered living he so passionately
describes as Heart Intelligence.

In fact, he's just opened up enrollment to his Accelerated Awakening
Coaching Program and is inviting a small group to join him on an
adventure of a life time. Sound dramatic? Just check out a little of
what he's offering. When you see it, you'll understand exactly why
he's only offering this to a small group and why this will be the last
time it will be available.

Not only that, he's giving a week's full access to his program for
just $1, including the bonus package!
Christian's program is just two big too describe here. But here are
some highlights:

You get lifetime access to an amazing interactive online environment
which contains over 20 hours of video tutorials and worksheets that
teaches everything you want to know about Heart Intelligence and
removing the resistance that holds you back.

But what's even more staggering is that you also receive a
complimentary ticket to his top-end Accelerated Awakening Heart
Summit in either Miami or Amsterdam. I'm going to the Miami Heart Summit
with my sister Clare and am so excited as I know it's going to be amazing!

The list goes on and on, and he's even offering facilitator and coaching
training as part of his bonus package, but none of it compares to the
complimentary surprise upgrade he announces at the end of his video.
This in itself, makes the entire investment worth it.

To get a full description of this amazing program, just click on the link
below and watch it in full. You won't regret that you did.

If you do enroll on this programme, I'd like to offer you my own additional bonus:

A choice of either:

- A complimentary personal 1 to 1 90 minute Heart Intelligence Coaching Session or
- A complimentary personal 1 to 1 90 minute intuitive Tarot Card Reading.

I will also send you a complimentary copy of ''Lenns Law'', an insightful report on the myriad of defensive methods we employ and are usually unaware of that stop us from leading extraordinary lives.

From my heart

Sas Bullock

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What The World Needs Now Is Heart Intelligence.

What the world needs now is for us to be real, to know ourselves and be able to feel and express our emotional range. 

This enables us to channel our unique gifts and helps us move in the direction of our desires and dreams. 

Stepping up and revealing our genuine self  gives others permission to be themselves also. 

We are so much juicier when we are real and are not covering up who we really are with a fake mask of acceptability. 

When we shut down, bury or deny parts of ourselves, these dis-owned selves are then projected onto others with whom we have relationships and interact with, causing havoc and instability and the ensuing ramifications for society. 

As we close down our authentic self through our hard-wired neurological-emotional defence system, in order to protect us from perceived attack, i.e. emotional, physical or mental, we employ strategies (mainly unconscious) to defend and keep us safe, which means we also shut down to all the good things that we could receive; compliments, connection, abundance, affection, love, intuition, healing, energy, opportunity and ultimately our joy, which equals; a life not fully embraced and our feeling of self-worth is greatly diminished. 

Can you honestly say that you feel fully charged and alive and deeply engaged with life, and in alignment with your passion and desires and not just going through the motions. 

Or maybe you are well aware that you create your own reality and that you are already following holistic and spiritual practises, yet still feel the resistance, something holding you back. You sense you are stuck and when there is little progress, you go back to our old habits, conditioned behaviours and the comfort zone. 

For the most part we end up living mediocre existences, run by our  programming and habitual instincts, rather like a robot, dead-pan and uninspired. Nothing diminishes The Spirit within more than routine, same old, same old, nothing new, fresh or challenging with which to keep your spirit present in your space, hence the space is vacant, lights on no one at home. 

In an attempt to break out, we can be drawn into dangerous subterfuge tactics by trying to receive pleasure and some stimulation through a "safe " means (no threat from other), such as addictions to; pornography, work, drugs, drink, sex and comfort food, in order to compensate for our lack of openness and, therefore, our ability to magnetize and absorb that which truly nourishes us.

I experienced an amazing breakthrough of my "stuckness" when my path synchronistically crossed with an incredible man called Christian Pankhurst . Christian expertly facilitated my own accelerated awakening and my connection to passion and my purpose, through his own major breakthroughs along his journey and diverse and pioneering experiences. 

What developed organically is his mind-blowing, heart-opening "Heart Intelligence" programmes and utterly inspirational live retreats. I have never observed and participated in anything quite like it. It has moved the needle for me big style and shifted so many people into being able to access and express their authentic self, their expanded emotional range and deepest desires, the pre-requisite of manifestation. The impact this has created in my relationship to self and others is unprecedented and wondrous to experience in myself and to witness in others.

Just in case you have not yet had the privilege of being connected with Christian and his Heart Intelligence work; he won Britain's Top next Coach and his Accelerated Awakening programmes and retreats are taking the world by storm. I would like to take this opportunity to spread the word and invite you to view his complimentary power-packed informative training videos- complete with downable worksheets, which you can personalize to your own life. 

If his work resonates and excites you, it may be something which you can add to or integrate into your own practice for the benefit of your own clientele, or apply in your own life to enhance and accelerate your own awakening. His clarity and teaching add  many more layers of understanding to the whole integration and embodiment of The Law of Attraction and how we can open ourselves up to receive so much more of the life-enhancing stuff.


The link above takes you to an introduction video explaining what Heart Intelligence is. If you wish, you can get access to the rest of his complimentary video course and downloadable worksheets. You also have the option to join his live webinar on Sunday, where you will have the opportunity to ask questions  about your relationships, your work, your health, how to feel more alive and experience more joy in your life, whatever you would like to ask.

·        Removing the resistance which keeps you stuck.
·        Embodied awareness.
·        Embracing your shadow side and why it is your greatest asset.
·        Expanding your emotional-energetic range.
·        The missing piece to the Law of Attraction.

These are some of the juicy topics that Britain’s Next Top Coach covers in his complimentary training video series.

With much enthusiasm and passion, I share this incredible teaching with you for you to be introduced to this incredible work and play your part in helping to shift this world’s paradigm, from one of fear and separation to one of unity and love.

With blessings,
Sas Bullock.

Bottom of Form

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Cure For ''Negative Attraction"...

If you look around and see a lot of what you don't want in your life, you're experiencing "negative attraction"

Debt, bills, stress, a job that leaves you unfulfilled (or perhaps no job at all) - strained relationships, lack of passion or creativity.

Nobody "wants" these situations or problems.

But most people spend a lot of time THINKING about them.

And we know from the law of attraction that what you think about - you attract.

So how do you stop thinking about your
problems and start attracting your desires?

The answer is here...

The law of attraction (combined with Inspired
Action) makes it possible for you to turn
things around, to find love, to lose weight,
to attract abundance...

To create a new life rich beyond imagining --
no matter where you are now.

But if your mind is focused on your problems,
on what's not working - if you spend time
feeling bad about yourself, about your life,
angry towards others...

Then what you'll attract will be in alignment
with those thoughts and feelings.

The breakthrough comes when you discover how to
put your mind in the moment, to enter a state
where the past and the future didn't exist.

In the moment, there ARE no problems. Your
energy and emotions turn universally
positive, and you connect with your "infinite
attraction point".

When you are in the "now" everything you
manifest is automatically aligned with 
your desires.

The best part is, you don't have to meditate,
or use any special audio programs, or
hypnotize yourself to put your mind into the

Follow this simple 3 step process and
entering the now becomes as natural as

If the miracle hasn't happened for you yet
(or it's happening slower than you want) it's
because of negative attraction.

When you spend a lot of time thinking about
your problems, you don't solve them, you
attract more of them.

Stepping into the "now" instantly dissolves
negativity and raises your vibration so you
only attract what you desire most.

And finally it's EASY to do, there's no
reason to wait.

Unlock The Power of Now!

Monday, May 14, 2012

How To Increase Your Personal Energy And Drive...

To have a breakthrough, to radically improve your results and
quality of your life, you have to CHANGE.

No change, no progress... and suddenly this year and next year
are just a big replay button of the past.

But think about this: Have you EVER met a successful person who
wasn't striding courageously forward, hitting high gear in terms
of their energy, productivity, and influence?

Well, their secret is knowing how to activate their highest
levels of performance and potential. They are just more clear,
energized, productive, and persuasive than others.

That's what Brendon Burchard wants to help you with. We know from
personal experience that
He can TEACH you to have that.

Imagine a life that is more abundant not because something new
came into your life per se, but because something NEW came out of

Imagine having more clarity, courage, effectiveness, and
influence. What would that do for your relationships? For your
career? For you?

Well, we say don't make the rest of this year like the replay of
years gone by. Demand the best of yourself starting now. Let us
help you. If you want to hit your highest gear, register here
before Brendon closes this course in the NEXT 48-HOURS.

Go check this out now - Brendon is practically giving away
$14,792 of training:

Here's what's going on.

Brendon's High Performance Academy Master's Course and Coaching
program is
an advanced 5-week training that teaches you how to get
heightened and
sustained levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and
in all areas of your life.

If you've been struggling in any area of your life lately, the
only way
through it is to get the best out of yourself and take back
command of your
life -- high performance is the path to doing that.

Brendon's High Performance programs are usually $1000 by
themselves, but
he's JUST announced a HUGE discount and an unbelievable bonus
package (for
the next 48 hours ONLY):

+ The $5,000 INFLUENCE course, which is an advanced sales,
negation and
leadership training

+ The $5,000 Business Accelerator Crash Course, a program on
simple and
effective ways to 10x business growth

+ 12 months of access to a Q&A forum where you can correspond
with Brendon
personally (his coaching clients pay $45,000 per year for his

These are in ADDITION to his previously announced bonuses:

+ 12-months of free training after the 5-weeks (usually $804 on
its own)

+ The High Performance Academy DVD Core Course (usually $997 on
its own)

+ 2 tickets to the live High Performance Academy seminar ($1994
value) - we attended the live event in California last November,
and it really was exceptional in terms of the quality of the
the benefits we experienced and the amazing people we met.

This must be the offer of the year.

Brendon is the highest-paid high-performance training in the
world, and
there's a reason: he knows what works NOW and he knows how to
guide you by
the hand, help you find clarity and courage, and motivate you to
highest levels of excellence and contributions.

If you're ever going to get incredibly committed to your personal
transformation and professional achievement -- to hitting high
gear with
your level of success, abundance, and mastery in life -- then you
have to watch this video:

Just incredible. You have 48-hours. Don't miss it.


The Bullock Sisters