Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"In The Beginning Was The Word" or Should That Read "Sound"

Sound, frequency, energy and light are all forms of information which are constantly interacting with our own information energy field, collectively called the "Auric Field", as well as with our physical bodies. Our physical bodies are just denser forms of this organised energy, from which we are emitting a signal, a vibratory note, or your signature tune if you like.

Is your tune a little flat, distorted or off key and dis-harmonious?
Your key to understanding why your life is magnetizing and mirroring certain circumstances which are maybe not to your liking, and which are not reflecting your dreams, wishes or ideal number one hit song.

Working with sound moves stuck emotional energy and old patterns of thoughts and behaviours which no longer serve your ideals and aspirations. As we begin to clear out these energetic vibes with sound expression, we literally move up the scale of our experience and tune into a new station - Bliss FM can now start playing in your life.

In this video, The Bullock Sisters begin with some simple sound exercises to harmonize the organs of your body. When sounded regularly, this will assist you into coming back into your natural resonance, so you can re-align yourself with the Universal Field and move the dial of your desire towards a Unified Frequency Modulation which expresses your own, unique, beautiful tone.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Top 15 Crazy Sexy Diet Tips
1. Get back to nature and back to the garden – preferably the organic garden – when affordable – when not, try to choose fruits and veggies that are less sprayed. You can find a Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides at foodnews.org. There are over 80,000 chemicals in our world today, eating them and putting them on our bodies is a dangerous proposition.
2. Create an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle. Learn about pH, the acid/alkaline balance, and say goodbye to the SAD, acidic diet in favor of alkaline raw organic veggies, sprouts, green drinks, green smoothies, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, love and oxygen.
3. Make juice not war. Green smoothies are great too. My favorite juicer is the Breville Ikon, and the best blender is the Vitamix. Instead of your morning cup of Joe, (or nightly cup of booze) try filling your day with fresh vegetable juice.
4. Drink lots of clean, purified water.
5. Decrease the amount of animal products you consume (especially dairy products) and move towards more of a plant-based diet.
6. Refined sugars and processed starches are the devil – dump them. If it’s made in a lab it takes a lab to digest. If it has a shelf life longer than you, don’t eat it. Choose low glycemic foods as much as possible.
7. Shake your booty. Your lymph system, which carries away waste, needs you! Unlike your heart, it doesn’t have a pump.  Aerobics is the pump. Brisk walking is the pump. Yoga is the pump.
8. Give your colon a regular spring-cleaning. That’s right, flood your body with alkalinity and flush it of toxins. As the good stuff goes in the bad stuff should come out – on a regular basis.
9. Use natural skincare products. Your skin is your largest organ and what you put on it you literally drink in. Everything you consume either gets assimilated or eliminated. Chemical creams and perfumes tax your body big time.
10. Stress also creates acidity, so turn down the volume on chaos and turn up the joy factor up. Find and regularly commit to activities that help you bring it down a notch. Some ideas: meditation, gratitude journaling, guided relaxation or visualization CD’s, nature.
11. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Optimal hours: 11-7am.
12. Chew. Your stomach does not have teeth.
13. And stop eating late so that when you snooze, your body can focus on repair instead of digestion.
14. Set boundaries so that you have the physical and emotional time to take care of yourself – it’s not selfish, it’s self-preserving.
15. Make time for fun, for love, for laughter!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

12 Important Things I Wish I'd Learned When I Was Younger.

Going through life is definitely a learning experience no matter who you are. You experience different things and learn because of failures, hardships and even successes. Although a person should try to live with no regrets, it is hard not to wonder how different things could be if you could go back in time with the current wisdom you possess.
Let’s face it, the younger versions of ourselves were not as seasoned or emotionally intelligent as we are now. All of the things you have dealt with in your life has brought you to the present, and molded you into the person that you are. Because of that you should be thankful for the trials you went through to get where you are at today.
Even still, how good could things be if you had learned certain important lessons earlier on in your life? There are a lot of concepts that have come out of the gate and fundamentally made our lives better. The following twelve things are ones we have pinpointed as incredibly important concepts that could have fundamentally changed things in the past for an individual.
If you haven’t started incorporating some of these into your own life yet, take note because they are very helpful practices and ways of thinking.

1. Learn From Your Failures

The ability to learn from your failures is absolutely important when looking to achieve any kind of success. Everything worth doing in life seems to be a challenge. Because of this failures are bound to happen from time to time. When some people fail to do something they had set out to accomplish, they let that failure discourage them and retreat from their endeavors. Doing so is not a positive thing, but a negative reaction to something that could have been taken much better.
Failures can be great learning experiences. You may have heard it said that you can learn more from failure than success. This is very true, as failures are something that can be analyzed and examined to fuel future successes. Don’t fear failure, but be ready to learn from the mistakes that you make along the way. If you can own up to your mistakes and learn from failure, you will be well on your way to succeeding in life.

2. Attitude Alters Reality

A person’s attitude greatly affects every aspect of their life. When you go into a situation with a positive attitude, more positive things will occur for you. Many don’t realize how this can bring about a fundamental change until they have tried it themselves.
Bad things do happen in life, but when your attitude is a good and well-adjusted one you are able to come out of things on top more often than not. Having a bad attitude hurts you because you wind up reacting negatively to things and damaging situations and relationships further. Learning to change your attitude can alter your reality into one that is much closer to your ideal.

3. Stop Comparing Yourself with Peers

Almost everyone is guilty of doing this from time to time, but when you learn to stop doing it you feel so much better. We all have this human instinct to compete with those around us. We want to be seen as superior or exceptional when compared to the others in our work environments and social groups. When you constantly compare yourself to others, what are you really achieving?
Trying to measure your success against someone else’s really doesn’t serve a purpose except for attempting to sate your own ego. Trying to have a nicer car than Bill because you want to feel good about yourself is petty. Comparing yourself with your peers can have negative effects on your psyche as well when they are at a good point in their lives and are ahead of you in the financial game. It is best to live your life to make yourself happy, and try the best you can in all things. Only look to your neighbor to support him, not to try to size yourself up against him.

4. An Attitude of Gratitude Works Wonders

The concept of being gracious is one some don’t understand, but it really helps people to live fulfilling lives. When you don’t take the things for granted that you possess in life, you learn to appreciate them more. By definition, feeling gratitude for the blessings you have in life helps to make you happier.
So often, especially when we are younger, we just desire more and more things. When we do this we wind up taking for granted all of the blessings that truly matter in our lives. Learn to be thankful for the family and friends you have who support you unconditionally. Understand how great it is to be able to taste your morning coffee and take a stroll in the park with your children. These are the things in life that truly matter.

5. Make a Habit Out of Writing Things Down

Whether you think yourself to have an exceptional memory or not, writing things down can be very beneficial to your life. Some of our best ideas in life can be fleeting. Have you ever had the feeling of knowing you were onto something very great, only to be unable to recall it? Many of us have, and these things can be prevented by learning to write down your thoughts and keep records.
Journaling might not appeal to everyone, but those of us who are into it love it very much. It can be a serene activity to jot down thoughts, ideas and just write whatever comes to mind. Doing so will help you to hang onto those elusive brilliant thoughts. It will also be fun to go back and look in journals and see what you were thinking at a certain point in time.

6. Stop Being So Serious

Life can be hectic, and sometimes we have a hard time with being able to lighten up. With all of the daily responsibilities of an adult, life can seem like a very serious affair. Although your responsibilities are important, worrying does you no go. A majority of the things you fret over never wind up coming to pass. Also, learning to have a more aloof attitude can actually be beneficial to your health. Have fun with life and enjoy the ride. Being serious can make someone so tense. It is much better to feel loose and enjoy everything the world is throwing at you. It is a great experience when you are looking at things from a relaxed perspective.

7. Opportunities Are Everywhere

This is definitely one most of us will wish we knew when we were younger. Opportunities present themselves to us all the time. Most people are so wrapped up in themselves or some rigid idea of how they want things to go that they are unable to see them.
Even when you experience failures and things don’t go as planned, being able to realize that opportunities are presenting themselves out of that situation can be the difference between a complete failure and another chance at success. Be ready to take what life gives you. When opportunities find you as you are walking along your path, be prepared to diverge from what you thought you wanted to do. Doors open all the time, and they are meant to be walked through.

8. The Parkinson’s Law Phenomenon

Now, this really isn’t a phenomenon, but it is surprising when you first have the concept dawn on you. Parkinson’s Law basically states that a job or task you have been given to do will become more complicated so as to fill the amount of time you have been given to do it. So if you were tasked with something simple, but your boss gave you a week deadline to do it, somehow you would take most of the week to complete that task.
If the same task was given to you with a one day deadline, you would also be able to complete it! A lot of us wish we understood this earlier in life, because procrastination is a bad thing. Learning not to waste your time becomes more and more important to us as we get older. Learn to give yourself only the time you need to do something instead of wasting precious hours for no reason.

9. Learn to Give Before You Receive

When you’re younger you often have the attitude of feeling like you should get something from someone before you ever think of giving back. This isn’t always the healthiest attitude. When you are able to come at someone with a good attitude and are prepared to be giving, you will find that the relationship can be more satisfying. You shouldn’t expect things from others, but should instead have a kind spirit, giving because you understand the value in helping others. When you do things like this it does help to give a sense of satisfaction and can make life all that much better because of it.

10. Learn to Take a Proactive Approach

There is something to be said for being able to react to situations well, but being proactive can make life much easier. When you’re reactive, you wait for something to happen and then pounce on it. A proactive individual knows how to create his own opportunity. Being proactive seems to be a wisdom that comes with age for most people.
You have a better sense of how to create opportunities for yourself and get things done when you have experience to draw from. If you aren’t much of a proactive person yet, just keep the mindset of wanting to make things happen. Don’t wait around for something to come to you. Make something happen in life.

11. Tackle Those Boring Tasks in Batches

Mundane tasks can be a drag, no matter what type of individual you are. One way to make these boring things seem more bearable is to do them in groups. When you group mundane tasks together and just get them done one after the other, you are able to do them quicker. Do them like this reduces the amount of time you spend thinking about them, and eliminates the slowness of startup time. So the next time you have a pile of boring things to complete, just lump it all together and get ready to get it out of your way.

12. The Amazing 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule is a very interesting concept. It states that eighty percent of our success in life seems to come from only twenty percent of our actions. Knowing this has helped so many to streamline their routines and stop wasting time.
Time is precious, so being able to identify the twenty percent of your activities that bring you success is very helpful. It can help you to cut the fluff out of your life and start having more time to do what you really want. If we all understood this when we were younger, we would be more successful and would have accomplished more things on our big life “to do list.” Regardless, there is no time like the present if you haven’t begun thinking this way. Free up your time and identify the twenty percent of your actions that you really need to focus on.
That’s it for our twelve important things we wish we’d known when we were younger. All of the concepts represented on the list are helpful for making life more satisfying. Sound off in the comments section and let us know if there are any other concepts you’d wish you’d known earlier on in your life.
Source: Joel Chue & Chris Cains
The Bullock Sisters

Saturday, July 7, 2012

12 Life Lessons From The Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama is certainly an intriguing figure. His ideas and overall philosophies on life have influenced the lives and actions of many. At his core, the Dalai Lama is a simple Buddhist monk, but he has become much more than that to many. His leadership of an unrecognized nation in Tibet, advocacy of nonviolence and overall diplomatic nature have made him a legend in the eyes of many.
Even with all of the accomplishments the Dalai Lama has under his belt, he still doesn’t see himself as anything but a member of humanity in general. We would certainly hold that the Dalai Lama is a great example of humanity at its finest, and believe that his philosophies have much to teach on how to go about living one’s life. In this article we will examine twelve of the best life lessons that we can take from the philosophies of the Dalai Lama. Looking at these aspects of life can help one to live life to the fullest and be happy.

1. Take care of the world around you.

“Be gentle with the earth.” – Dalai Lama
The earth itself is our greatest blessing in life. It is a planet abundant in life and all of the resources we could ever need to live happily and healthily. Humanity’s impact on the earth is something that can be felt today. 
Despite the industrialization of the world at large, people should still look out for Mother Nature. If we continue to treat our world poorly, then our children’s children may not be able to experience the same beauty that we have been able to enjoy throughout our lives. Take care of the world around you and try to keep things as nice as possible. Don’t litter, clean up local lakes and forests. Any of these things can help the world to be a better place.

2. Ensure your home is full of love.

“A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.” – Dalai Lama
One’s home life is always an important factor of how happy one is going to be. When you promote loving relationships with your family and significant other, then you will feel truly comforted when you enter the door to your home every day. Your family are people you need to keep close to you. Show them how much you love them, and they will show you their love in kind.

3. Everything happens for a reason.

“Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” – Dalai Lama
As much as everyone wants to get everything they desire out of life, sometimes things just don’t work out how you wanted them to. In these cases you should understand that everything happens for a reason. Like the Dalai Lama said, not getting what you want can turn out to be a wonderful stroke of luck. Think about how heartbroken someone might have been when they broke up with their high school sweetheart. Even though their first love didn’t end in marriage, they wound up meeting a wonderful person to settle down with. They had beautiful children and lived a wonderful life. It may not have been what the person initially wanted, but when one door closes, another will open.

4. Change is good, but your values need to remain.

“Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.” – Dalai Lama
Change is a constant thing in the universe. In our world much will change from the time a person is born to the day of their death. You need to be able to embrace change and evolve with the world around you. To do so makes you better equipped to stay relevant and live a good life. Even though you need to be able to change with the times, some things should remain the same. The core values that have helped define who you are can act as your anchor in life. Whether those values have a lot to do with religious teachings, or simply things that you hold high above all others, hang onto them and let them be your guide. Never let the world change your core of being a good human being.

5. Teach others that which you know.

“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.”- Dalai Lama
When you teach others things that you have learned throughout your life, it is a way of passing a part of you on to a new generation. We are all going to shuffle off of this mortal coil one day, but our ideas and what we have learned though life experiences can live on when we pass that knowledge to others. This can be something as simple as teaching our sons and daughters the things we see as being important to pass on to them. Or you could choose to teach on a broader scale and find much enjoyment from doing so. Either way passing on your knowledge is a way to live on long after your physical body has turned to ash.

6. Choose your words carefully.

“Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.” – Dalai Lama
In life it is important to realize that words have power. When you speak things it will have an effect on those around you. If you are wise then you can understand that sometimes silence is the best answer. If you cannot think of something good to say, then being silent is better than making yourself sound the fool.

7. Alone time is important.

“Spend some time alone every day.” – Dalai Lama
Although we are all often surrounded by people, and sometimes enjoy having so many people around us, taking time to be alone can be a great thing. When you are alone it is a good time to reflect inwards and put some deep thought into how your life is going. Alone time can also provide some serenity. When you lead a hectic everyday life, having that bit of relaxation while by yourself can recharge your batteries.

8. Own up to your mistakes.

“When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.” – Dalai Lama
We all make mistakes in life. A wise man understands that when he makes a mistake he must own up to it. Inevitably we all err from time to time. There are those who try to shift the blame, or don’t want to admit to personal failures. It takes far more strength to acknowledge you have done something wrong and make up for it. Doing so will show great character and ultimately make you more respectable. Failing to do so will see your trustworthiness decline.

9. Learn from your failures.

“When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.” Dalai Lama
Learning from failures is an important aspect of becoming successful in life. If you can learn from the mistakes you have made, then you will be better equipped to succeed the next time. Often when people fail at something they feel a lot of self-pity. This is counter-productive and will cause you to be unable to learn the proper lesson about why it is you failed. Failures can teach someone far more things than successes can.

10. Understand that there is risk when looking to gain a big reward.

“Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risks.” – Dalai Lama
When you are looking to achieve one of your great life goals, you need to understand that there is always a risk in putting yourself out there. The fear of failure should not keep you from attempting something, but it should guide your hand in working to meet your goals. There are risks in life when you are trying to achieve those things you want. Even when it comes to relationships, there is the risk of heartbreak from things not working out. Be vigilant and you can achieve these goals. But understand the risk involved.

11. Be able to forgive the transgressions of friends and family.

“Don’t let a little dispute injure a great relationship.” – Dalai Lama
In life we sometimes come into conflict with those who are closest to us. Even petty arguments have wound up completely disintegrating once great and flourishing relationships. You should not let something small like arguments rob you of what was a great relationship. Maintain a capacity for forgiveness, and try to come to an understanding with someone when you come into conflict. It isn’t worth losing a friend over.

12. Live a life you can be proud of.

“Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.” – Dalai Lama
When you live your life in such a way that you can be proud, you will have little or no regrets. Make sure that live an honorable life by treating others with respect, and trying your best to achieve the goals you have set out for yourself. By doing so, you will have lived a life that you can be proud of. No one wants to have to look back at a life of shame and missed opportunities. Make sure your story is written how you want it to be.

Source: The Enlightened Mind - Secret To Perfect Meditation