Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Body Talk... Are you Listening

                      Body Talk - Part 1

                                                        Is any one listening...

To the Language of my body.
       About 80% of all communication is through body language, albeit most of the conversations         that we are having are at a sub-conscious level, out of range of our conscious awareness and,      therefore,operating out of our jurisdiction!

        What are the implications I wonder of this lack of awareness?

  • Our  conscious  and sub-conscious can be likened to an ice-burg, hence the expression; "that's just the tip of the iceberg", meaning the tip is the only part of the iceberg you can see, (the conscious), however, the majority of it lies beneath the surface;( the sub-conscious).
  • The majority of our operating systems are running on auto-pilot, without our awareness or consent.
  • Our sub-conscious mind absorbs 6 million bits of information per second and stores it.
  • Operational systems, such as breathing and digestion are hard-wired for birth and beyond. 
  • Mind programmes of "how the world is" are downloaded continuously from birth with repeat and re-enforced programming and conditioning.
  • As children we are dependent upon learning about our world through other peoples' eyes of perception and so we hold information about our world learnt from others without the advantage of discernment, from; mothers,father,grandparents, teachers,leaders, the TV,The Media ,politicians and so forth. 

           What is your body communicating about you?

What you actually physically see, your body, is just the tip of the iceberg, your unseen body is vast and contains all information about you, your childhood experiences, your highs and lows, the state of your health, physical and mental, your talents, your desires, events along your timeline, everything.
This is your note, your frequency station, your signature.

Does it harmonize with others' notes or clash?

What is your unique note broadcasting about you, how does it interact with others, what does it let in and what does it filter out, give & receive? given that 80% of our communication is through the transference of this vast body of information.
We have gut reactions, funny feelings about things, waves of emotion, an insight, an intuitive flash, higher wisdom; our bodies talk to us and others on many levels of intelligence.

Most of the time these intelligences are drowned or numbed out and we don't pay them any attention, even though they hold vital clues and messages of great importance for us.
This is where the saying comes from: " All answers come from within",  from within the body, meaning contained in the vast body of intelligence that is so much more than the physical body we see.

Clairvoyants, mystics and psychics,healers, can see, read or feel this information in your field, or larger body and can feedback accurate information to you about you.
If you have often wondered how they do it, now you know!