Friday, April 27, 2012

Why Some Women Have The ''IT'' Factor...!

Here is a link to the second complimentary video in the "Fearless Feminine Presence''  series from Rachael Jayne Groover whom I've been studying with over the last year.

People are inspired by Presence.  We follow people who have a lot of it.  We buy from people who are magnetic, enthusiastic, and present!

If you have a magnetic presence, you have huge advantages - in business and in life. 
In this latest video, Rachael Jayne also shares the 3 biggest mistakes women make that significantly decrease their personal presence, and how not to make those mistakes yourself...

Especially at those times when you need your confidence and courage the most.

Video link :

Clare Bullock

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Feminine Presence - A Must Watch Video For Women...

Would you or any women in your life benefit from experiencing more courage, presence, and energetic protection in their lives...?

What's interesting is that when we really step into our personal presence, and back it up with courage, something magical happens...

How are you managing your fear these days? Is it stopping you from doing what you really want to do? How often?

It's really important to know effective ways of dealing with fear if you want to be a feminine leader, a magnetic business woman, a great speaker or performer, or someone who lives a life of deep fulfillment. Many people are going about it all the wrong way. They are trying to get rid of their fear, and that NEVER works!

This is the first video in a series from one of my teachers Rachael Jayne Groover - inspirational speaker, author of the best-selling book "Powerful and Feminine," former programs director for the Neale Donald Walsh / Conversations With God Foundation, and founder of the Feminine Spirituality and Leadership Institute.

She is sharing what she has learned from her 20 years being on stage - performing, speaking, and shooting fantastic videos that get rave reviews. She went from being shy and scared of putting herself "out there," to becoming an inspirational leader of thousands of women worldwide.

She's teaching how to massively increase your presence, and how you can use these tips in the videos you shoot, speaking on stage, or walking into a room where you want to make a strong first impression.

Click the link below and watch the first video NOW
This is a powerful free video course that is designed specifically for women, but frankly men could benefit hugely too.
In this FREE video course "Fearless Feminine Presence" Rachael Jayne shares:
  • The 5 most important keys to creating a powerful feminine presence that magnetizes people to you. 
  • Her step-by-step process to create videos that inspire people take action.  She'll give you examples of what she says, along with important tips on how to increase your presence speaking into a video camera.
  • A simple exercise that will energetically protect you from people who would normally drain your energy, that will also inspire people to respect you and your time.
  • The 3 biggest mistakes women make that significantly decrease their presence, and and how to not make these mistakes yourself, especially at those times when you need confidence and courage

Watch the first video NOW! (click link below)

Clare Bullock
P.S. About 10 minutes into her video, Rachael Jayne offers a little "experiement" for you to try out on your own... to prove to yourself that what she teaches, while it may seem like "magic" can show you results in a matter of minutes -- even with complete strangers.  

Friday, April 20, 2012

Seeking An Answer To A Question...?

"The motions and patterns and connections of things become apparent on a gut level." - Robyn Davidson

Have you ever had a moment in time when you were amazed at how connected things and people are? Sometimes it comes from finding out that a current friend went to college with someone you both
know or your colleague in a foreign country is reading the very same book you are at the time. As our world has shrunk and we are able to communicate so quickly, we now can validate what many have
been saying throughout the ages; we are all connected.

When we are having a difficult time it is easy to forget that we
are connected. It isn't that our connection is ever broken, most
of the time it is because we have closed down our extensions of
connection and forgotten we are not alone. 

Have you ever had a bad day lightened up by an interaction with a
stranger? Have you ever had difficulty understanding something and
then received an answer simply by observing nature or animals? 

 Try this when you are seeking an answer to a question.
Go for a walk in nature, or even just in your neighborhood. 
As you walk, suspend thinking about either the question or the 
answer and pay attention to your environment. Feel the temperature 
of the air on your skin, notice the sound your feet make as you 
walk, let your eyes move and see whatever they want to, smell the 
air and touch the textures that you pass as you walk. As much as 
possible, just be in the moment with the changing scenery as you 

Notice any pattern you see along the way, the way the flowers are
growing, the way the dogs fight for a bone or the stillness of the
evening, as examples. When you come home ask yourself if you have
any answers to your question. Allow whatever is there to emerge. 
On a deep gut level, you always know more than you think you do.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow. 

 Truly Caring for Your Success! 
 Dr. Robert Anthony

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Show Up In The World And Make a Difference.

All around us mayhem and destruction across the planet. How does that make you feel?

Seriously sit with that and really tune in. I hear the call of our collective heart longing for each and every one of us to lower our weapons of mass defense, disarm our army of soldiers which guard the perimeter of our longing, wanting, dreams and vision; our heart's desires, our purpose, and whom firmly point us back in the direction of the programmed and conditioned state of mind full of ''you can't, shouldn't, mustn't, you've got to keep safe, stay comfortable, don't take risks, it's not practical, you haven't got the money, you'll never do it, it's too late, nobody ever really changes least of all you, what could you possibly do, be sensible, look what happened last time, what can I do about it, let's face it you're no good..."


This programme is covert, behind the scenes, and is unconscious, but runs our everyday thoughts and behaviours, rather like when we are driving a car along a motorway or running a regular car trip, we become unconscious of our driving, and it is only when something happens suddenly and we have to take averting action, that we become aware and our conscious mind takes over. Well considering that we only use about 2-5% of our brain capacity, what's the other 95% doing?

Wouldn't you like to find out, and then be shown a way in which you could access more of it?

I did, and what unfolded was the most perfect guidance, to what was the most amazing, beautiful and joyous experience on my journey to re-connecting to the Heart of My Matter, My Purpose, My Reason, My Charge.

I bless everything that has come into my experience, for without it I would not be who I am today, however, I feel especially blessed to have been introduced to and experienced what has been named "Heart Intelligence" and through the intimacy of "Heart Circles", and the amplified field of a group, the most amazing method for connecting to your heart's longing and becoming clear on what it is that you truly desire and how to resonate with that, so that you can create and manifest your "Divine Will".

Mother Earth is calling you to come back to yourself, to re-enter the chamber of the heart, for only when we operate from the heart and follow our heart's yearning are we in alignment with our truth, and can be at peace with ourselves, no matter what is happening in the external world. Although your external world will soon reflect your internal shift of perspective, of living life from the heart.

When you dis-arm your unconscious defense mechanism, you live life from the heart and feel at peace. You remind others how it feels to live from the heart and they catch the vibe from you, and now there are two people living from the heart, and this keeps on spreading exponentialy, and before you know it all the individual pieces come together, to make one BIG PEACE. Humanity living life from the heart. The Golden Age.

Big Question: How do you disarm your unconscious defense mechanism, which deters you from having; the ultimate intimate, loving, sensual relationships, optimum health, receiving abundance and from following your heart's desire and living in a world where Humanity creates with Heart Intelligence? A world where you can access choice and not be at the mercy of  reactive behaviours, but rather, where your heart sends out a powerful feeling  message of your highest vision for yourself, where the Unified Field,  reflects back your desire like a mirror, showing up in the people, circumstances, places and opportunities of your life.

Through my Inspirational Life Coaching programme,"HeartWise" that's how.  I will support and guide you to accessing your Heart's Intelligence to ;

  • uncover your true authentic self 
  •  find your purpose
  • move the needle of your desire and awaken your life's dream
  • facilitate your transformation to manifest in your life those experiences which you desire to explore
  •  access your feelings of confidence and enthusiasm
  •  be fully present in the moment and receive the gift of Now, the only place you can effectively change anything. 
How can you communicate with passion and with vitality if your mind has hijacked you into the realms of the past, or kidnapped you into a projected  future? To  be fully alive and awake to what is right now, can be regarded as "having presence" or a "magnetic personality"

Try really coming alive and animated, allow your body and face free expression when communicating with someone. Body language makes up at least 75% of our communication, which includes the sound and tone of your voice; is it aggressive, or passive, scared or confident? Focus every ounce of your attention on the other person, entrain with them, emulate their body language to convey safety and empathy, and see for yourself what rapport you can create, even with a total stranger.

I will help you to present yourself from a place of truth and dynamic power, whether it be in your work, with your colleagues or potential clients. Perhaps you have to make presentations or speak in public and would like to know how to really pack a punch with your message and be left in no doubt that the information you have shared has landed with your audience, been fully digested, and that you have left a lasting impression. Wouldn't you love to inspire your audience to take action, to influence them in a truly positive way and to feel totally connected and aligned in thought, word, and deed.? Imagine the impact on your relationships!

If you are not expressing your authentic self, everything in your life will reflect this, including;
  • your intimate relationships and friendships
  • the work you do
  • your financial situation
  • where you live
  • how you feel about yourself and others
  •  the choices you make. 
You'll create a life, unknowingly run by conditioned behaviour, habits, programmed reactions, projected identity, fear, shut down, unexpressed creativity, dis-connection, reduced life force, intuition, enthusiasm, and well-being. You even may not  be aware of it, as the pain is often numbed out with drink, drugs, sex, retail therapy, food, work and other addictions.

Heart Intelligence works with the underlying core issue and helps to access, the heart of the matter, rather than treating the symptoms of your distress. This leads to sustainable change as it can be practised, moment-by-moment, in every area of your life.