Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Feminine Presence - A Must Watch Video For Women...

Would you or any women in your life benefit from experiencing more courage, presence, and energetic protection in their lives...?

What's interesting is that when we really step into our personal presence, and back it up with courage, something magical happens...

How are you managing your fear these days? Is it stopping you from doing what you really want to do? How often?

It's really important to know effective ways of dealing with fear if you want to be a feminine leader, a magnetic business woman, a great speaker or performer, or someone who lives a life of deep fulfillment. Many people are going about it all the wrong way. They are trying to get rid of their fear, and that NEVER works!

This is the first video in a series from one of my teachers Rachael Jayne Groover - inspirational speaker, author of the best-selling book "Powerful and Feminine," former programs director for the Neale Donald Walsh / Conversations With God Foundation, and founder of the Feminine Spirituality and Leadership Institute.

She is sharing what she has learned from her 20 years being on stage - performing, speaking, and shooting fantastic videos that get rave reviews. She went from being shy and scared of putting herself "out there," to becoming an inspirational leader of thousands of women worldwide.

She's teaching how to massively increase your presence, and how you can use these tips in the videos you shoot, speaking on stage, or walking into a room where you want to make a strong first impression.

Click the link below and watch the first video NOW

This is a powerful free video course that is designed specifically for women, but frankly men could benefit hugely too.
In this FREE video course "Fearless Feminine Presence" Rachael Jayne shares:
  • The 5 most important keys to creating a powerful feminine presence that magnetizes people to you. 
  • Her step-by-step process to create videos that inspire people take action.  She'll give you examples of what she says, along with important tips on how to increase your presence speaking into a video camera.
  • A simple exercise that will energetically protect you from people who would normally drain your energy, that will also inspire people to respect you and your time.
  • The 3 biggest mistakes women make that significantly decrease their presence, and and how to not make these mistakes yourself, especially at those times when you need confidence and courage

Watch the first video NOW! (click link below)

Clare Bullock
P.S. About 10 minutes into her video, Rachael Jayne offers a little "experiement" for you to try out on your own... to prove to yourself that what she teaches, while it may seem like "magic" can show you results in a matter of minutes -- even with complete strangers.  

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