Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"In The Beginning Was The Word" or Should That Read "Sound"

Sound, frequency, energy and light are all forms of information which are constantly interacting with our own information energy field, collectively called the "Auric Field", as well as with our physical bodies. Our physical bodies are just denser forms of this organised energy, from which we are emitting a signal, a vibratory note, or your signature tune if you like.

Is your tune a little flat, distorted or off key and dis-harmonious?
Your key to understanding why your life is magnetizing and mirroring certain circumstances which are maybe not to your liking, and which are not reflecting your dreams, wishes or ideal number one hit song.

Working with sound moves stuck emotional energy and old patterns of thoughts and behaviours which no longer serve your ideals and aspirations. As we begin to clear out these energetic vibes with sound expression, we literally move up the scale of our experience and tune into a new station - Bliss FM can now start playing in your life.

In this video, The Bullock Sisters begin with some simple sound exercises to harmonize the organs of your body. When sounded regularly, this will assist you into coming back into your natural resonance, so you can re-align yourself with the Universal Field and move the dial of your desire towards a Unified Frequency Modulation which expresses your own, unique, beautiful tone.


1 comment:

  1. Been using the LOA since 2006 -- thanks for your insights and your interesting approach! Mandy
