Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Cure For ''Negative Attraction"...

If you look around and see a lot of what you don't want in your life, you're experiencing "negative attraction"

Debt, bills, stress, a job that leaves you unfulfilled (or perhaps no job at all) - strained relationships, lack of passion or creativity.

Nobody "wants" these situations or problems.

But most people spend a lot of time THINKING about them.

And we know from the law of attraction that what you think about - you attract.

So how do you stop thinking about your
problems and start attracting your desires?

The answer is here...

The law of attraction (combined with Inspired
Action) makes it possible for you to turn
things around, to find love, to lose weight,
to attract abundance...

To create a new life rich beyond imagining --
no matter where you are now.

But if your mind is focused on your problems,
on what's not working - if you spend time
feeling bad about yourself, about your life,
angry towards others...

Then what you'll attract will be in alignment
with those thoughts and feelings.

The breakthrough comes when you discover how to
put your mind in the moment, to enter a state
where the past and the future didn't exist.

In the moment, there ARE no problems. Your
energy and emotions turn universally
positive, and you connect with your "infinite
attraction point".

When you are in the "now" everything you
manifest is automatically aligned with 
your desires.

The best part is, you don't have to meditate,
or use any special audio programs, or
hypnotize yourself to put your mind into the

Follow this simple 3 step process and
entering the now becomes as natural as

If the miracle hasn't happened for you yet
(or it's happening slower than you want) it's
because of negative attraction.

When you spend a lot of time thinking about
your problems, you don't solve them, you
attract more of them.

Stepping into the "now" instantly dissolves
negativity and raises your vibration so you
only attract what you desire most.

And finally it's EASY to do, there's no
reason to wait.

Unlock The Power of Now!

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