Saturday, May 19, 2012

What The World Needs Now Is Heart Intelligence.

What the world needs now is for us to be real, to know ourselves and be able to feel and express our emotional range. 

This enables us to channel our unique gifts and helps us move in the direction of our desires and dreams. 

Stepping up and revealing our genuine self  gives others permission to be themselves also. 

We are so much juicier when we are real and are not covering up who we really are with a fake mask of acceptability. 

When we shut down, bury or deny parts of ourselves, these dis-owned selves are then projected onto others with whom we have relationships and interact with, causing havoc and instability and the ensuing ramifications for society. 

As we close down our authentic self through our hard-wired neurological-emotional defence system, in order to protect us from perceived attack, i.e. emotional, physical or mental, we employ strategies (mainly unconscious) to defend and keep us safe, which means we also shut down to all the good things that we could receive; compliments, connection, abundance, affection, love, intuition, healing, energy, opportunity and ultimately our joy, which equals; a life not fully embraced and our feeling of self-worth is greatly diminished. 

Can you honestly say that you feel fully charged and alive and deeply engaged with life, and in alignment with your passion and desires and not just going through the motions. 

Or maybe you are well aware that you create your own reality and that you are already following holistic and spiritual practises, yet still feel the resistance, something holding you back. You sense you are stuck and when there is little progress, you go back to our old habits, conditioned behaviours and the comfort zone. 

For the most part we end up living mediocre existences, run by our  programming and habitual instincts, rather like a robot, dead-pan and uninspired. Nothing diminishes The Spirit within more than routine, same old, same old, nothing new, fresh or challenging with which to keep your spirit present in your space, hence the space is vacant, lights on no one at home. 

In an attempt to break out, we can be drawn into dangerous subterfuge tactics by trying to receive pleasure and some stimulation through a "safe " means (no threat from other), such as addictions to; pornography, work, drugs, drink, sex and comfort food, in order to compensate for our lack of openness and, therefore, our ability to magnetize and absorb that which truly nourishes us.

I experienced an amazing breakthrough of my "stuckness" when my path synchronistically crossed with an incredible man called Christian Pankhurst . Christian expertly facilitated my own accelerated awakening and my connection to passion and my purpose, through his own major breakthroughs along his journey and diverse and pioneering experiences. 

What developed organically is his mind-blowing, heart-opening "Heart Intelligence" programmes and utterly inspirational live retreats. I have never observed and participated in anything quite like it. It has moved the needle for me big style and shifted so many people into being able to access and express their authentic self, their expanded emotional range and deepest desires, the pre-requisite of manifestation. The impact this has created in my relationship to self and others is unprecedented and wondrous to experience in myself and to witness in others.

Just in case you have not yet had the privilege of being connected with Christian and his Heart Intelligence work; he won Britain's Top next Coach and his Accelerated Awakening programmes and retreats are taking the world by storm. I would like to take this opportunity to spread the word and invite you to view his complimentary power-packed informative training videos- complete with downable worksheets, which you can personalize to your own life. 

If his work resonates and excites you, it may be something which you can add to or integrate into your own practice for the benefit of your own clientele, or apply in your own life to enhance and accelerate your own awakening. His clarity and teaching add  many more layers of understanding to the whole integration and embodiment of The Law of Attraction and how we can open ourselves up to receive so much more of the life-enhancing stuff.


The link above takes you to an introduction video explaining what Heart Intelligence is. If you wish, you can get access to the rest of his complimentary video course and downloadable worksheets. You also have the option to join his live webinar on Sunday, where you will have the opportunity to ask questions  about your relationships, your work, your health, how to feel more alive and experience more joy in your life, whatever you would like to ask.

·        Removing the resistance which keeps you stuck.
·        Embodied awareness.
·        Embracing your shadow side and why it is your greatest asset.
·        Expanding your emotional-energetic range.
·        The missing piece to the Law of Attraction.

These are some of the juicy topics that Britain’s Next Top Coach covers in his complimentary training video series.

With much enthusiasm and passion, I share this incredible teaching with you for you to be introduced to this incredible work and play your part in helping to shift this world’s paradigm, from one of fear and separation to one of unity and love.

With blessings,
Sas Bullock.

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