Sunday, May 27, 2012

''There's No Point In Living If You Can't Feel Alive''

What's needed more than anything today is for us to operate from our hearts.

Not just for ourselves, but for our children and the others who are impacted by the way we live our lives.

My friend Christian Pankhurst, has been quoted to say,

"There's no point in living if you can't feel alive"

He's got a point.

How much of your life are you not letting in, and how much of your talents and resources are you holding back?
What if the world in which you perceive is just 2% of what's actually there? I mean... what if you are only letting in 2% of the color, 2% of the sound, 2% of the love, 2% of the beauty?

And... what if you had no idea it was only 2%? Wouldn't
you want to know how to access the other 98%?
Now you can. Check this video out now to find out more.

Christian learned this the hard way after awakening from
a numbing depression that lasted for 10 years. He's
dedicated his life since to helping others come into their heart
and realize the vision of heart centered living he so passionately
describes as Heart Intelligence.

In fact, he's just opened up enrollment to his Accelerated Awakening
Coaching Program and is inviting a small group to join him on an
adventure of a life time. Sound dramatic? Just check out a little of
what he's offering. When you see it, you'll understand exactly why
he's only offering this to a small group and why this will be the last
time it will be available.

Not only that, he's giving a week's full access to his program for
just $1, including the bonus package!
Christian's program is just two big too describe here. But here are
some highlights:

You get lifetime access to an amazing interactive online environment
which contains over 20 hours of video tutorials and worksheets that
teaches everything you want to know about Heart Intelligence and
removing the resistance that holds you back.

But what's even more staggering is that you also receive a
complimentary ticket to his top-end Accelerated Awakening Heart
Summit in either Miami or Amsterdam. I'm going to the Miami Heart Summit
with my sister Clare and am so excited as I know it's going to be amazing!

The list goes on and on, and he's even offering facilitator and coaching
training as part of his bonus package, but none of it compares to the
complimentary surprise upgrade he announces at the end of his video.
This in itself, makes the entire investment worth it.

To get a full description of this amazing program, just click on the link
below and watch it in full. You won't regret that you did.

If you do enroll on this programme, I'd like to offer you my own additional bonus:

A choice of either:

- A complimentary personal 1 to 1 90 minute Heart Intelligence Coaching Session or
- A complimentary personal 1 to 1 90 minute intuitive Tarot Card Reading.

I will also send you a complimentary copy of ''Lenns Law'', an insightful report on the myriad of defensive methods we employ and are usually unaware of that stop us from leading extraordinary lives.

From my heart

Sas Bullock

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